All movies starring Lim Soo-jung

A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) poster

A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) ★ 7.1

After spending time in a mental institution, two devoted sisters return to the home of their father and cruel stepmother. Once there, in addition to dealing with their stepmother's obsessive, unbalanced ways, an interfering ghost also affects their recovery.
Search: WWW (2019) poster

Search: WWW (2019) ★ 7.8

Genres: Drama Romance
Bae Ta Mi works as a director for a big web portal company. She is in her late 30s and is quite competitive. With her competitiveness, Ta Mi enjoys success. The methods she uses to win has her wondering if she is doing the right thing with her life. Has she sacrificed too much of her personal life for success? Park Mo Gun is a man in his 20s and is a gifted composer. He creates music for video games. Mo Gun meets Ta Mi at an arcade; her competitive spirit attracts him and he falls in love with her.