All movies starring Meg Tilly

Body Snatchers (1993) poster

Body Snatchers (1993) ★ 6.0

Genres: Horror Sci-Fi
A teenage girl and her father discover alien clones are replacing humans on a remote U.S. military base in Alabama.
Antibirth (2016) poster

Antibirth (2016) ★ 4.8

In a desolate community full of drug-addled Marines and rumors of kidnapping, a wild-eyed stoner named Lou wakes up after a wild night of partying with symptoms of a strange illness and recurring visions as she struggles to get a ...
The Two Jakes (1990) poster

The Two Jakes (1990) ★ 6.1

After the war, L.A. private eye Jake Gittes is hired by realtor Jake Berman. He proves the infidelity of Berman's wife Kitty and sets up a way for her to be caught in the act. At the rendezvous, Berman shoots the co-respondent who turns out to be his business partner. Gittes finds himself in the middle of a complicated web, under pressure from all sides for a wire recording of the fatal encounter. He then realises that the land the partners were developing was once an orange grove connected with a case that he has never quite gotten over.